In, we have mentioned many times that NCERT books are the best books to begin UPSC Civil Services Exam preparation. Having said that, we get emails from aspirants to select the most important NCERT texts to start with. We have observed that many aspirants are confused about which chapters from NCERT texts to be studied (especially for subjects like General Science). These queries and requests are quite natural. We thought about posting an article in detail about the must read NCERT books for IAS exam preparation.
Why NCERT Books? NCERT texts being text books for school children are written in a very simple and lucid manner. They are not only easy to study, but also can help to save a lot of time. You can quickly grasp difficult topics and concepts.
If aspirants have enough time, it is always advised to start from standard 6 NCERT texts and read till standard 12 texts for all relevant subjects. Extra tip: You may check our with negative marking for UPSC Prelims. Important NCERT Books for UPSC Civil Services Exam If exams are near, it’s a quite natural to prioritise. For general studies (Prelims or Mains), aspirants need to focus on the NCERT texts on the below subjects: History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Fine Arts, and Science. How to Download NCERT Books as PDF?. If you find it difficult to get hard-copies of NCERT texts, you can always get soft copies in PDF form from the site.
Just like NCERT website which offers a free download of quality books, as well as CBSE website, offers quality PDFs. Click on the links above to download textbooks from these websites. What next, after finishing NCERT books? Once done with the basic study of NCERT books, aspirants should go deep by referring books from authors like for history and by Bipan Chandra, etc. The recommended list of IAS books by is listed in the link. Let your focus be right. Happy learning!
How to study Laxmikant. Do we have to make notes of each page For an aspirant without coaching how should he deal with new subjects like micro and macro economy ncerts which is difficult to understand.upsc keeps varying degrees of questions asked from different sections So WATS d need of referring previous years questions. If medieval history come with a heavy weights den is it necessary d same repeats next time I have hell lot of queries Any one can help me. Plz.hitherto no has guided me.
Free NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths PDF format in Hindi and English medium are available to download. & Exemplar books provide excellent practice including higher order thinking skills (HOTS) for each chapter. So, it is advised to explore these books to make your knowledge foundation better.
Some of the books are available as named Revision Book which are confined to latest, providing even better strengths for learners. Students of class 10 must go through the Sample papers and Previous Year issued by Central Board of Secondary Education as a supplementary practice for Science and maths. Books and their solutions of other subjects as Science, Social Science and Hindi are also available to download in PDF format. If you are having any suggestion for the improvement, you are welcome. The improvement of the website and its contents are based on your suggestion and feedback. Download NCERT solutions for, and. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths PDF Chapter 1: Real Numbers In class 9, we have studied rational numbers and irrational numbers collectively forming real numbers.
Here we will learn the division algorithm (Euclid’s division lemma) and fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Getting LCM and HCF using prime factorisation and Euclid’s division lemma.
Proving square roots of 2, 3, 5 are irrational numbers. English Medium Solutions. हिंदी माध्यम के हल. Chapter 2: Polynomials We have learnt Degree and coefficient of terms of polynomial and their factorization in class 9.
Now we will find the relationship between the zeroes and their coefficient. Use of factor theorem to find the zeroes of the polynomials with degree 2, 3 or 4. English medium. हिंदी माध्यम के हल. Chapter 3: Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables You have studied a linear equation in one variable and two variables in previous class. Now there is solution of pair of linear equations in class 10, using various methods like graphically, elimination, substitution and cross multiplication.
Reduction of given equations into simple linear equations and get their solution. Chapter 4: Quadratic Equations Solution of quadratic equations by different methods – Factorization, Completing the square method and using quadratic formula. Checking the nature of roots using discriminant.
Questions based on daily life. हिंदी माध्यम के हल.
Chapter 5: Arithmetic Progression To check whether the given sequence is in Arithmetic Progressions or not. To find the missing term of the AP and sum of the given sequence. To determine AP when sum to n terms is given. Some application base questions from daily life. Chapter 6: Triangles Proof of Basic Proportionality theorem (Thales theorem) and question based on this theorem.
Proof of Pythagoras theorem and its converse. Area theorem and its applications. Questions based on other theorems which are given for motivation only (proof will not be asked in the examination).
Hindi Medium. Chapter 7: Coordinate Geometry Representation of points in Cartesian plane and finding the distance between two points using distance formula. Section formula to find the ratio and mid points. Formula for area of triangle and to prove the collinearity of three points. हिंदी माध्यम के हल.
Chapter 8: Introduction to Trigonometry Trigonometry is the oldest branch of mathematics. It is a basic introduction to class 10 about trigonometry. In this chapter we will derive the values of 6 trigonometric functions – sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant.
Using the relationship between these ratios, proving some identities. हिंदी माध्यम के हल. Chapter 9: Some Applications of Trigonometry In this chapter, the techniques are used to solve problems regarding height and distances in life around us.
For example, the height of hill, width of river, distance between two celestial objects cannot be measured by measure tape. So, method of trigonometric ratio is helpful in measuring such distances.
हिंदी माध्यम के हल. Chapter 10: Circles This chapter includes the intersection of a line and circle in the same plane, tangent to a circle and tangent to a circle in the limiting case of a secant when the two end points of its corresponding chord coincide. Number of tangents from a point to a circle and tangents drawn from same external point to a circle are equal.
हिंदी माध्यम के हल. Chapter 11: Constructions Dividing a line segment into given ratio. Construction of triangle and then constructing a triangle similar to given triangle on the basis of given ratio of sides. Construction of tangent to a circle in different situations. Chapter 12: Area Related to Circles Area and perimeter of plane figures like circle, sector and segments. Areas of combinations of plane figures involving a circle, sector or a segment with some other figures like a rectangle, a square, etc.
There is no additional formulae to find these areas. हिंदी माध्यम के हल. Chapter 13: Surface Areas and Volumes Surface areas and volumes of a combination of solids line hemisphere – cone, cone – cylinder, cylinder – cone, cube – hemisphere, cube – cuboid etc. Conversion of a solid from one shape to another by comparing volume. Frustum of cone and its surface area & volume. Conversion of frustum to other solids.
हिंदी माध्यम के हल. Chapter 14: Statistics Mean of grouped data – direct method, assumed mean and step deviation method (Short cut method).
Mode and median of a grouped data using formula. The relation of mean, mode and median (3 median = 2 mean + mode). Graphical representation of cumulative frequency distribution – Ogive. Less than type and more than type frequency table and their graphical representation.
Chapter 15: Probability Probability of events associated with experiments where the equally likely assumption hold. Certain event or sure event and impossible event. Questions based on toss of a coin, throwing a die, drawing a card from deck of cards, etc. of all the subjects in Hindi and English medium. Now the complete syllabus will be asked in the final exam conducted by CBSE board from 2017 onward. The final examination will carry the weightage of 80 marks and 20 marks will be from internal assessment done in the school level throughout the year.
Click here about it. Dear students/Parents now NCERT Exemplar Problems solutions are available in the form of Videos.
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